I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling 22

Monday, March 17, 2014
It seems like yesterday when I celebrated my 21st birthday and now I'm 22! Cliché as it is, but time really flies so fast. Back when I was young, I honestly see people in their 20's as old. But time has proven me wrong. I mean look at me, do I look old in 22? Lol. Life is just getting exciting as I see it now.

So yeah, how did I celebrate my birthday? There's nothing elaborate about it aside from the fact that for the second time around, I had a birthday cake (my first, as far as I remember, was on my 20th when my college friends baked it for me). During past years, there used to be no celebration for my birthday as March was the time for final exams so the burden are quite huge for my parents. This year, thanks to my Asiatype Family, I had two birthday cakes! Yeeey!

Thank you, RF family!

Thank you, Miss Maribeth! 

My only wish when I blew the birthday candle was happiness and good health for everyone that I love and that no matter how tough the odds will be, we may overcome it all. Of course, I visited EDSA Shrine to offer thanksgiving to my greatest Friend and Creator. I thanked Him for giving me another year to live and to enjoy His blessings and wonderful creations. Life is a beautiful gift and I will live it to the fullest for His greater glory!

Big big thanks to all of you who remembered my day! I was teary-eyed reading the messages and greetings. I am so blessed to have you all. :)

I'm so excited to discover new things, meet new people and create new memories in my 22nd year.

Uh oh!
I don't know about you
But I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright
If you keep me next to you
You don't know about me
But I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright
If we just keep dancing like we're

~ 22 by Taylor Swift ~