Job Hunting Tips For Fresh Grads

Saturday, March 08, 2014
It’s graduation time once again! Alas! After years of toiling and burning your eyebrows, the reward is finally coming - your graduation diploma. I know of all you who's graduating this year have been really excited all along. All the excruciating pressure to comply the requirements, finish your thesis and pass your final exams will finally pay off. Party, party!!!

Buuuuuuuuuuut, reality will then slap you after some nights of celebrating, probably after being wasted from graduation parties. Yes, I’ve been there but in a not-so wasted way somehow. Haha.

SO, WHAT COMES NEXT? I don’t wanna spoil  your “celebration mode” but yes, no matter how happy you might get after graduating (Let’s skip the board exam part since I haven’t undergone that, shall we?), my dear friends WORK COMES NEXT. So today, let’s talk about how to get a job after graduation. The tips that I will tell you are just my own experiences. I just wanted to share it with you.

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TIP # 1: Condition yourself

When looking for a job, it is very important to condition yourself for it. Remember, it will not be an easy task, unless of course, you are so awesome that companies will be the one to run after you. So if you are planning to get yourself in the workforce sooner, start conditioning yourself as early as now. Also, you can set a timeline, say give yourself a month to get a job.( I did it to myself. ) Repeat it everyday like a mantra. That way, you'll be reminded of your goal and you'd be pumped up to work for it. A little pressure will not hurt.

TIP # 2: Build an awesome resume

For sure you were taught in school how to make a resume. A resume is a summary of your background and experiences and is very vital in applying for a job. It basically tells the employeer about you. Try to highlight your achievements and skills. There are many tutorials online on how to build a remarkable resume so utilize it - read and research. I suggest you be honest on the things you put in. Don't blab. Polish your resume and make sure there aren't any errors, typographical or especially grammar of any sort. If you aren't confident of what you do, ask some help to those who know how to proofread. You don't want your resume to go into the shredder at first glance. Make sure to have something that will let you stand out.

TIP #3: Register for carrier sites, networking sites and join job fairs

Jobstreet and JobsDB are the leading career sites in the country from what I observed but there are other good sites too. Create an account and subscribe to their daily advertisements. That way, you'll know when there are vacancies. Jobs postings are usually done online now so have a valid and professional email. When I say valid, please don't use addresses like '' etc. You can opt to use your name as your email address because unprofessional email addresses are a big no-no! Companies are also using networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to advertise a job. Might as well use your accounts to browse and inform yourself. Furthermore, if you know any job fairs happening near you, attend it. Job fairs are a very great way to meet prospective employers. There are also on site interviews done there so you get to practice your conversational skills which is essential in interviews. You will always gain a thing or two with this events.

TIP #4: Apply apply apply

It is not enough to apply to just one or two companies. Submit applications to job postings that you think you are qualified or even to those that you are under qualified. Who knows, the recruiter might consider you. You can apply online or even walk in to companies because some prefer walk-ins. Don't be choosy for now. You'll have the liberty to choose when offers will come to you.

TIP #5: Be patient, think positive and never give up

Patience is needed in finding a job. One time after a day of job hunting, I cried because the one month I set for myself is almost over. But with the encouragement of my family and friends, thankfully I was able to find a job before the month ended. So you too must never give up and always believe that you can do it. Keep away from the negative people, they will do no good to you. Remember Law of Attraction? Tell the universe that you want this thing to happen. Always always think positive because sooner or later it will surely happen. Believe it, claim it!

These are just few of the things I can share with you. I hope you will all land in the job you wanted. Congratulations and welcome to the real world, friends! The industry awaits you. Good luck!!!!